Portia is a genus of jumping spider that feeds on other spiders. They are remarkable for their intelligent hunting behaviour, which suggests that they are capable of learning and problem solving, traits normally attributed to much larger animals.Wikipedia
This cute hairy little one seems wanting something from me.Its tantalizing eyes make me love jumping spiders more than ever.This jumping spider is larger than any jumping spiders i saw in our place and is so friendly and not shy
This giant Golden Silk Orb Weaver Spider is being courted by tiny male.The male is willing to give its life just to mate and pass its genes.
Huntsman Spider
Hunstman Spiders are very good companions in our houses.They feed on cockroaches and other insects that may bring diseases in our home.People should treat these spiders as friends
I stumbled upon this weird looking spider while doing a mountain trek at Barangay Combado,Maasin City.I couldn't believe this spider can also be found in our place. This spider is very rare and i am not sure if i can see it again.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aUK8iaG9JI
This Two-tailed Spider is almost invisible when resting on Mahogany bark.The "tails" are actually the spider's spinneret.I also found this spider at the mountainous baranggay of Maasin City,Southern Leyte. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-uZqHwXgcY
I found this spider at the mountainous baranggay of Maasin City,Southern Leyte.I thought it was a lady bug resting on a leaf but when i touched it fell itself using silk.I wowed to myself because it's my first time to see a spider resembling a lady bug.